
Introduction of Hong Kong Ballroom Dancers International (HKBDI)


The Hong Kong Ballroom Dancers International(HKBDI) was established on 14th February2011 by the current President, then the Chief Advisor, who linked up a group of enthusiastic competent dancers and highly respected elder generation of teachers to be formed the Committee members, with a view to promoting DanceSport (Ballroom & Latin-American Dancing) in the three dimensions of Sports, Art & Culture!

2011 was the budding & nurturing period of HKBDI, no new competition were organized to allow ample time for competitors to study in-depth the subjective of HKBDI and provide opportunity for them to choose which competitions to participate. Meanwhile, we managed to hold two promotion parties – one in June to raise donations for HK Red Cross, one in October to create mutual communications and understanding among different Dancing Circles in HK, and missions were achieved for both parties.

19/2/12 was the date of the first competition organized under HKBDI. Being endorsed by BDFI, this event is named as 1st HKBDFI Cup. 14/10/12, we organized another new event, namely 1st Handover Cup, under the sponsorships of the Central & Western District Council – a big step forward towards the road of co-operations with the SAR Government. This Championships has become an annual event to celebrate the handover of Hong Kong sovereignty from England to China.

3/2/2013, 2nd HKBDFI Cup was moved to Thailand, incorporating the first time ever 4-Nation Invitational Team Match. It truly brought a revolving wave of Dance Sport Team Match around the World.

HKBDI was officially affiliated as Asian Dance Council (ADC) Associate Member in February 2013. The 3rd HKBDFI Cup was held on 2014-02-16 at Tsim Sha Tsui Kaifong Welfare Association Main Hall. The BDFI have endorsed this event ever since then each & every year, while the venue of HKBDFI Cup had been changed to Hotel Regal Riverside since 2015.



一) 任何對舞蹈有興趣、有熱誠都歡迎加入 ;

二) 無論職業與業餘都不計資歷 ;

三) 職業會員需規定参加本會計分賽的職業組別 ;

四) 本會不會限制會員參與其他友會的活動、比賽 ;

五) 會員定期會收到會訊 ;

六) 選手在轉跳職業後, 他們之前業餘的積分將取消, 之後積分計算為職業組;

七) 本會會長每年都會出席黑池舉行的國際標準舞者聯盟(Ballroom Dancers Federation International)的週年大會, 如會

員有興趣參與, 由本會保送出席。

八) 本會為“亜洲舞蹈主辦者”  創會會員, 致力協助推廣體育舞蹈在亞洲區的發展


香港國際標準舞者會 計分賽守則


一) 冠軍1st = 8分, 亞軍2nd = 6分, 季軍3rd = 4分, 第四4th = 3分, 第五5th = 2分, 第六6th = 1分(海外計分賽取分相同);

二) 任何人都可以參加本會計分賽, 香港的選手一定要入會交會費, 不是代表香港的選手可無需入會, 沒有入會的選手將不會計算積分, 入了會的選手 (在未付清入會費之前的計分賽積分不會計算) 才可角逐全年總冠軍榮譽;

二甲) 參加本港業餘或職業五項閉賽一定要男女兩人都要持有香港身分證;

三)  任何本會會員都可向本會申請將其主辦的賽事列為本會計分賽, 需於比賽日前最少半年向本會註冊, 費用為$500, 若要本會代為宣傳、籌劃、計分費用另計 ;

四) 任何選手如轉換舞伴, 新組合分數將分開計算;

五) 獲頒發全年總冠軍的組別包括標準舞及拉丁舞: 基本双項、花步双項、壯年 (双項、三項、四項)、准業餘 (三項) 、業餘新星 (四項)、業餘 – 本港及公開 (五項)、職業- 本港及公開 (五項)、;

六) 選手在轉跳職業後, 他們之前業餘的積分將取消, 之後積分計算為職業組;

七) 所有本地及海外計分賽詳情請瀏覽本會網站;

八) 所以選手要成為本會全年總冠軍, 除了要成為本會會員之外, 也必定要參賽過全年所有本會本港計分賽60% 以上 ;

九) 參加業餘組可同時報壯年組;

十) 參加師生組可同時報職業組, 不能報其他組;

十一) 任何海外賽事有本會會員擔任裁判就列入本會海外計分賽;

十二) 任何本會會員參加海外計分賽都有兩分底分;

十二甲) 任何選手經本會報名參加海外計分賽必需為本會會員及已付年費。